以 MoCl_3(OOCC_7H_(15))_2-(i-Bu)_2AlO-■(Mo-Al)为催化剂,在加氢汽油中,对丁二烯(Bd)聚合活性进行了研究,考察了聚合条件对聚合活性、聚合物分子量以及微观结构的影响。结果表明,本体系催化活性较高,在酸/钼=6,Mo/Bd=2.0×10^(-4),Al/Mo=50(摩尔比),于50℃聚合5小时,丁二烯转化率达80%。最佳聚合活性条件:正辛酸/MoCl_5=3,聚合温度60℃,Al/Mo=60,(当 Mo/Bd=2.0×10^(-4)时)。Al/Mo 值适宜范围为20—90。制得的聚合物1,2—链节含量高于80%。
The activity of MoCl_3(OOCC_7H_(15))_2- -(i-Bu)_2AlO■(Mo-Al)catalyst system in polymerization of butadiene(Bd) with hydrogasolineas solvent was studied.The influence of some conditions on the poly-merization activity,the molecular weight of the polymer and the microstructure of the polymer was investigated.The results showed.(1)the catalytic activity was considerably high and a conversion of 80%of butadiene when it was polymerized for 5 hr at 50℃ ocurred withn-caprylic acid/MoCl_5=6,Mo/Bd=2.0×10^(-4) and A1/Mo=50(moleratio);(2)the highest polymerization activity was exhibited with-n-caprylic acid/MoCl_5=3,60℃ and Al/Mo=60(When Mo/Bd=2.0×10^(-4));(3)the range of 20-90 was good for the mole ratio of A1/Mo;(4)the polymer contained more than 80% 1,2—unit.
Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology:Natural Science Edition