为了在研究中合理地采集土壤中的甲螨样本,深入了解甲螨密度与土壤深度的关系,以及季节对甲螨种群数量的影响,我们对南京紫金山麓土壤中甲螨垂直分布和季节动态进行了初步调查。其结果表明,①土壤中甲螨的垂直分布具表聚性,故采集土样时以10cm 深度为宜;②土壤中甲螨垂直分布有季节性的变化,其中1~5月表聚性较强,而6~12月相对较弱;③土壤中甲螨的季节动态:其月平均密度以12月至2月最高,而6月至8月最低。甲螨的密度与温度、湿度以及食物来源之间存在着一定的关系。
To rationally collect the sample of oribatid mite in soil and to further unders- tand the relationship between its density and the depth of soil and the season influence on the number of its population,an investigation was made at the foot of ZiJin Shan(Mt.Purplish Golden)in Nanjing,Province Jiangsu,China.The results are as following: (1)Oribatid mite has an inclination of inhabitting in the surface layer of soil, i.e.,it has a topsoil-taxis.Thus the sample of topsoil with 10cm depth is good for research purpose; (2)The depth distribution of it varies with the season passing by.There is a larger number of it in topsoil from January through May,while less from June through December; (3)The highest average number of it is found in December,January and February, while the lowest in June,July and August.They also indicate that the number of oribatid mite has relations with the temperature and the humidity of soil and the abundance of food in soil.
Journal of Southeast University(Medical Science Edition)
oribatid mite
depth distribution
season behaviour