In this paper, we discuss the conjecture that if the order of finite group G is divisible by integer n, and the equation Xa=1 has exactly n solutions in G> then tne solutions make up a normal subgroup of G. The main results are the following theorems.
Theoreml. Let G a finite group, n= 2pa,p a prime, a>0. If the order of G is divisible by n, and the equation xn= 1 has exactly n solution in G, then the solutious make up a normal subgroup of G.
Theorem Let G a finite group, n = paq, p andq are primes, a>0, q>pa. If the order of G is divisible by n, and the equation xa= 1 has exactly n solutions in G, then the solutions make up a normal subgroup of G.
Theorem 3 Let G a finite group, n= 2paq,p and q are odd primes, a>0, q>pa. If the order of is divisible by n, and the equation xn= 1 has exactly n solutions in G, then the solutions make up a normal subgroup of G.
Theorem 4. Let G a finite group of order g, and let 4tg or = 4 m , where m is an odd number and 3m, n is ang fortor of g .If the equation xn = l has exactly n solutions in G, them the solutions make up a normal subgroup of G.
Journal of Hunan City Univeristy