新疆巴里坤地区晚志留世地层比较发育,层序清楚,化石丰富,其中珊瑚和腕足类最多.巴里坤地区上志留统叫阔克赛尔克组,又分上下两亚组.下亚组丰产床板珊瑚和四射珊瑚.如Holmophyllum,Kodonophyllum,Tryplasma,Chlamydophyllum,Rhizophyllum,Kyphophyllyum,Entelophyllia,Cymatelasma,Cyathophylloides,Micula.Pilophyllum,Pseudamplexus,Ramulophyllum,SPongophyllum,Spongophyl-loides,Nanshanophhpllum and Thecia,Mesofavosites,Favosites,Pentamerus等,厚76—221m.上亚组仅含一些蜂巢珊瑚(Favosites),厚158—170m.阔克赛尔克山上志留统阔克赛尔克组的生物群落是很特殊的,可与吉林省二道沟区小绥河组.辽宁省昭乌达盟敖汉地区的下石碑组及内蒙自治区百灵庙北的巴特敖包群对比,显然,阔克赛尔克组的地质时代相当晚志留世罗德洛阶.
The Late Silurian strata are well developed in Barkol region of Xinjiang, with clear sequence and abundant fossil. Among them the amount of Corals and Brachi-opods is the most.
The upper Silurian Series in Barkol region is called Kaokesirke Fm, which is subdivided into two subformation. There are abundant Tabulates and Tetracorals, such as Holmophyllum , Kodonophyllum, Try plasma, Chlamydophyllum, Rhizophyllum , Kyphophyllum, Entelophyllia , Cymatelasma . Cyathophlloides, Micula , Pilophyllum , Pseudamplexus, [Ramulophyllum, Spongophyllum, Spongophylloides, Nanshanophyllum and Thecia, Mesofavosites, Favosites, Pentamerus, etc. It's 70-221m in thickness. Upper subformation only contains a few Favosites, with the thickness of 158-170m.
The biocoenose in Kaokesirke Fm of upper Silurian in Kaokesirke mountain is rather peculiar, it can be correlated with Xiaosuihe Fm of Erdaogou area in Jilin province, lowershibei Fm of Zhaowudamengaohan area in Liaoning province and the Bateaobao Fm of northern Bailingmiao in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
Obviously, the geological age of the Kaokesirke Fm correspond [to Ludlovian stage.
Xinjiang Geology