The inducible expressions of genes of cytochrome IA and IIB in human amnion FL cell line was showed with 3-MC, beta-NF, NE and PB as inducer and AHH, EROD, ECOD and APND as marker end points. It is indicated that the FL cell has kept a broad spectrum of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes .The highest inducing response was obtained in EROD and APND by 3-MC in combination with NE. Characteristics of cytochrome P448 dependent MFO has been showed aiso in FL cell both in the original and induced situations. The activity of the induced cytochrome P450 isozymes keeps at a high level for 36 hours at the least after the removal of the xenobiotic inducers from the culture medium. The capability of activating a variety of promutagens and procarcinogens was further demonstrated in FL cell with UDS and ADPRT assays in media with low cellular NAD content. Above mentioned results indicates the substitution of the hepatocyte microsome-NAD activation system by induced FL cell culture is feasible.
Carcinogenesis,Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis