本试验应用 Giemsa C 一带新技术对狗尾属3个种9个材料进行了研究。组型分析结果显示了谷子种内变异很小,4个类型所涉及的6个品种的核型基本一致。带型分析结果表明不同品种之间广泛的遗传差异某种程度上可在带型上得到反映,这为品种鉴定和杂交育种工作的运用展现出光明的前景。分析结果还确定了谷莠子与谷子的亲缘关系比狗尾草与谷子的要近,金色狗尾草是它们的四倍体近缘种,这为远缘杂交奠定了理论基础。作者就目前 C 一带技术显示带纹不够丰富,还提出进一步改进方法和采取多种分带技术综合分析以便提高效果的看法。
In this study,Karyotype and C-banding patterns of 9 samples from 3 species of Setaria were investigated synthetically by Giemsa C-banding technique.The results of the karyotype analysis showed that variability within S.italica(L.) Beauv was.very small and the karyotype of 6 varieties of 4 type were basically the same.The results also indicated that the karyotype differences between them were mainly related to the arm ratio of the 5 pairs of chromosomes including the second,third,fourth,fifth and ninth chromosomes.The results obtained from C-banding pattern analysis indicated that besidesxthe basic bands,every variety had its own characters and definite differences from others.However, no regular bands between the types had been found.This merely shows that ex- tensive hereditary differences between the varieties may appear,to some extent, in the banding patterns,revealing the possibility of using the method in varie- ty identification and cross-breading work. The second satellite that appeared in the male sterile line Huangxi 4 were probably caused by the differences of the samples,This is a normal phenomenon in the varietal resources.Male sterility was not reflected in the banding pat- terns.This may be caused by gene mutation or the impediment of any heredi- tary mechanism. Through ahalyzing the karyotype and the banding patterns,Guyuzi was found closer to S.italica than S.virtidis,and S.glauca was their relative tetraploid species,laying a theoretical basis for outbreeding. In addition,using Giémsa C-banding technique,we found that the 5 types of banding patterns could also appear in Setaria.