Temperatures or warmth index (accumulated monthly tempenetures
which are 5 degree centjgrete higher)are estimated to use the well dated pol-
ien data from Northern China. The pollen data was sampled from sedimend cores
section with peat or clay. The technique of correspondence analysis and factor
analysis are used in the reconstruction of the climatic changes The analysis
suggusts that the climate was much colder and drier during 16000-13000 yea-
rs B.PAt that time the summer-half-year temperaturel(SHT) was 10-11
degree centigrede lower than that today. During 13000-11700 years B. P. the clima-
te was still cold) (SHT was 8-B. P. 7degree C-lower) but much wet. The clmate in
the period of 11700-10000 years was very unstable (changed repidly and
frequently). The change range of SHT reached 8-9 degree centigrade and
the rate of change was about 4-5 degree centigrade per century. This maybe
the characteristic of the transformming period from glacial to interglacial. stage
About 10000-9000 years B. P. to 3000 years B. P. SHT had become as high as that
at today From 9000 years B. P. to 3000 years B. P. the climate was warmer than that
today. The warmest and relative stable climate (optimum) appesred between
8800-5000 years B. P. After 3000 years B. P. climate got cool several cooling
occured during Holocene epoch. Their peaks appeared at about 4900 years
B. P. 4300 years B. P, 2900 years B. P. and 1800 years B. P.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment