本文报导了某猪场11.2%的妊娠后期母猪暴发流产。剖检胎儿主要表现脑组织水肿和大面积出血、脑、肝、胃内容物、心血脾等脏器触片、染色、镜检有革兰氏阳性2~3×0.5微米呈“V”型排列,无芽胞荚膜,单端鞭毛的杆菌。通过生化特性、接种小白鼠、豚鼠、家兔和妊娠母兔回归试验以及病愈母猪特异性抗体监测等,确诊为李氏杆菌性猪流产,其病原为单核细胞增生李氏杆菌(L、monocy togtnes)。
There are 11.2%sows in the latter-psriod of pregnancy were miscarriage on a pig farm.Foetuses' brain tissue showed dropsy. bleeding at a large area by observation of dissection. Brain,liver. stomach contents. heart blood.spleen et al showed Gram-negative 2-3x0.5m.arranging in 'V',non-spore-bearing.acapsular,single-end flagellate bacilli by touching sheet-glass,dyeing and examination of microscope .Listeriosis abortion was displayed though biochemistry characteristic test .regression experiment that wasapplied to mice,cavy,domestic rabbit and pregrant-rabbit or the assay of recovered sows' speeific-antibady,Its pathogeny is Listeria monocytogenes.
Journal of Zhengzhou College of Animal Husbandry Engineering