近年来已确认,小剂量 ASA(阿斯匹林)对抑血小板聚集有更强的选择性,因此在临床工作中如何选择最适当剂量防治缺血性脑血管病,已成为近年来须要迫切解决的问题。本文根据 ASA 肠溶片吸收不稳定的实验结果,设计了普通片对家兔和正常人(中老年)药动学研究,并对10例老年患者口服小剂量 ASA(0.1)后对 AA(花生四烯酸)和 ADP(二磷酸腺苷)影响的观察,结果表明,口服小剂量 ASA,24小时以后对 AA 和 ADP 仍有显著性抑制作用。本研究提示了老年患者口服 ASA0.1/日,在防治缺血性脑血管病是合理的。
It has been proved in recent years that small dosage of aspirin(ASA)has high selectivity to inhibit blood platelet aggregation,so that how to select an optimal dosage for the treatnent of is- chenic cerbral blood vessel disease is an imperative task in clinical practice. This article reported pharmacokinetic studies on the administration of ASA in rabbit and the healthy subjects and investigstion on the effects of small dosage of oral administration ASA on ara- chidonic acid(AA)and adenosyl diphosphate(ADP)levels in 10 aged patients.The results indicat- ed that small dosage oral adminstration of ASA had also marked inhibition to AA and ADP levels even after twenty-four hours.It is.therefore,suggested that it may be reasonable to give ASA in the dese of 0.1gm daily in the freatment of cerebral vasalatr disease in aged patients.
Academic Journal of Chinese PLA Medical School