

Esthetic prosthesis of the adult Ⅲ skeletone facial contour
摘要 成人Ⅲ类骨面型的改善目前已成为整形外科医师、口腔正颌外科医师共同关注的课题,因为成人Ⅲ类骨面型已失去通过口腔正畸手段来改善牙颌、面型的时机,其中有些可以通过整容、正颌手术方法以及与之相关的其它学科协同作用达到可观的效果,但有些伴有牙列缺损或牙体缺损(尤其前牙区),使原本不协调面型显得更加凹陷、面容亦显苍老,只凭手术方法又难以取得良好结果,为此我们采用口腔修复方法在增加面下垂直高度的基础之上,建立良好咬关系,重新排列义齿,改善上唇的丰满度,使面部软组织侧貌达到医学美学要求,同时恢复咀嚼功能及颞颌关节适当的生理位置,使得口腔颌面部各肌群协调一致,符合口腔修复体的原则。 The esthetic improvement of the adult Ⅲ skeletone facial contour has been considered a common problem by plastic surgeon and oral surgeon, because the adults have no chance to change their abnormal jaw and facial contour through the orthodontic means. Some of them were corrected through plastic surgery and orthognathic surgery to recover the whole esthetic function, but others, together with teeth and dentition defect (special anterior teeth), and an incoordinate facial contous have made their facial concavity exaggerated and looking more old. For the sake of improving it, we have applied restorative dentistry to set-up again on the basis of inereasing lower facial one-third height, to restore the prominence of upper lip and to build up occlusorehabilitation in order to get a better facial profile than before, in the meanwhile, masticatory function and TMJ functio have been recovered.
出处 《实用美容整形外科杂志》 1998年第2期82-84,共3页 Journal of Practical Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
关键词 成人 Ⅲ类骨面型 He重建 美容修复 Adult, Ⅲ skeletone facial contour, Occlusal reconstruction
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