International Studies in India is a growing field but not yet an independent discipline.Some of the think tanks were established right back in late 1950s and have contributed in abundance to the India's understanding of international relations.But the research methodologies and approaches applied by many of the then IR scholars are confirming to the Indian traditional thinking,especially ancient and modern Indian political thought of Kautilya,Gandhi and Nehru.The Nationalist element in the Indian IR thought was present in the past and is reemerging again as a mainstream theory of putting India in the international context.Indian Marxist bastions are located in some corners of Indian Universities(such as in JNU)and is growing old and out of fashion.The liberals are a growth industry but anti-Americanism and anti-hegemony is a common platform.Although India has had always voiced its concerns at the global level,the Indian IR research has its own limitations because of cross-border terrorism and regional security problems(especially with Pakistan).The issues of energy security,global warming,and WMD along with international terrorism are some of the latest areas in which the current Indian IR scholars are working.
World Economics and Politics