例一、唐××,男,34岁。1986年发病,1992年6月确诊为 L 型麻风,用 MDT 2年后胸背部指甲大的淡红色斑持续存在,BI 4.0,MI 2%。1994年6月开始服氟嗪酸200 mg,每天2次,与 WHO 的MDT 合用,连服4个月后停药;结果红斑消退,BI降至1.5,半年后细菌阴转。
In 1993 to 1994,three eases of MB leprosy have still bad BI of 2.2 to 4.0 after completion of two year MDT course.So,Ofloxacine 400 mg was given daily with continuing to take MDT for four months and made their BI decrease to 0.6 to 1.5,showing quicker efficiency.