AIM: To establish the plaque assay for the quantitative detection of enterovirus 71 (EV71) and to compare sensitivity of buffalo green monkey (BGM) cells, veto E6 cells, MRC-5 cells, A549 and HEp-2 cells to it.METHODS: BGM cells and vero cells were transinfected with EV-71. Then the plates were covered with three kinds of overlay medium (i: 0.6% Agarose, ii: 1% methycellulose, iii: 1.2% Avicellulose) and incubated for 3 to 4 days. The plaques were stained, and the number of plaques was counted. The supernatants were harvested at 24-96 hours after infection for plaque assay, and this technique was used to measure the five cell lines simultaneously.RESULTS: The plaques appeared as clear cycles (range 0.5 to 1 mm) in BGM and vero E6 cells covered with 1% methycellulose and 1.2% avicellulose, whereas EV71 produced the pinpoint plaques covered with 0.6% agarose. The titer of vi- rus ranged from 1.65x109 pfu/L to 2.87x109 pfu/L.CONCLUSION: The techniques may benefit the quantitative detection of EV71. Furthermore, it indicates that BGM cells and vero E6 cells consti- tute a valuable and sensitive cell line system for enterovirus 71.
World Chinese Journal of Digestology