随着图像处理算法的日益完善,对图像处理系统的要求也越来越高。以DSPTMS320DM642为核心,设计一种实时图像处理系统。给出系统的输入输出以及数据处理部分的硬件设计,并根据该系统给出利用Matlab软件的实时工具箱RTW(Real-Time Workshop)创建CCS工程并直接生成C语言代码的方法,以缩短调试开发系统的周期。
With the image processing algorithm improvement,the requirements of the image processing system are getting higher.In this paper,a real-time image processing system using DSP TMS320DM642 as its key processor is designed. The input-output system and data-processing part of the hardware design are given.And on the basis of the system the method of using RTW (Real-Time Workshop) toolbox of Matlab software is given to create CCS project and generate C code directly, so as to shorten the debugging cycle of the system development.
Electronic Design Engineering