
一种SVPWM脉宽调制控制算法的理论探讨 被引量:4

The Theoretical Research on a Space Vector PWM Controlled Algorithm
摘要 从电压空间矢量和磁链空间矢量关系出发,通过对非零电压矢量相位及作用时间与磁链方向及幅值的关系分析,以及对零电压矢量作用时间与逆变器输出电压幅值的关系分析,提出了磁链时间分量和压频时间分量的概念,为SVPWM调制方法下的电压频率协调控制提供了理论依据和控制方法。在此理论基础上,给出了一种最为简单的SVPWM脉宽调制算法。 From the relations of voltage space vector and linkage space vector, by analyzing the relations of non-zero voltage vector phase and action time with linkage direction and amplitude, and the relations of zero voltage vector action time with inverse in verter output voltage amplitude, the paper puts forward conceptions of the linkage time component and vohge frequency time component, providing theoretical basis and control method for voltage frequency coordinated control under SVPWM modulation method. On the basis of the theory, the simplest SVPWM algorithm is given.
作者 高红联
出处 《电气开关》 2009年第2期11-13,共3页 Electric Switchgear
关键词 空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM) 磁链时间分量 压频时间分量 变压变频协调控制 SVPWM linkage time component voltage frequency time component variable voltage and frequency control
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