
基于拟牛顿法的电力系统潮流计算 被引量:2

Flow Calculation of Power System Based on Quesi Netwon Method
摘要 运用拟牛顿法中的逆布雷顿秩1方法计算电力系统的潮流分布。该方法使用递推计算来求解潮流方程,减少了每步迭代的计算量和计算时间。与传统的使用基于极坐标形式的牛顿—拉夫逊法计算潮流相比,拟牛顿计算速度快,占用内存少,准确度高,并且能很快收敛。 Reverse Braytons Order in Newton method is used to calculate flow distribution of power system. The method uses recutsion calculation to solve flow equations, not only can reduce calculating quantity and calcalating time of each stepiteration,eomparing with traditional Newton-Lafuson flow computation based polar form, quasi Newton ealculatig speed being flast,taking up less internal storage, high accuracy and can converge quicky.
出处 《电气开关》 2009年第2期34-36,共3页 Electric Switchgear
关键词 拟牛顿法 逆布雷顿 潮流计算 Quasi Netwon method Reverse Brayton flow calculation
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