
对地观测卫星成像调度的多目标约束修正方法 被引量:1

A Multi-objective Constraint Modification Approach for Imaging Scheduling of Earth Observing Satellite
摘要 约束修正是对地观测卫星成像调度的重要组成部分,负责处理成像调度方案的约束满足与优化,是一类复杂的组合优化问题。为得到优化可行的成像调度方案,提出一种新的约束修正方法。针对约束修正问题构建时间序有向图模型,并将约束修正问题归结为点带约束成本的优化路径搜索问题;在此基础上,提出一种基于标记更新的多目标约束修正算法。实际问题的实验与分析表明:该方法能够在规定的时间内求得问题所有的多目标优化解,有效地解决了卫星成像调度的约束满足与优化问题。 Constraint modification is an important part of imaging scheduling for earth observing satellite. It deals with constraint satisfaction and optimization of the imaging scheduling, and is a complicated problem of optimized combination. This article proposes a new constraint modification approach to acquire the optimal and workable imaging scheduling. Aiming at the constraint modification problem, a time ordered directed graph model is constructed. The constraint modification is also summed up as an optimal path searching problem of node with cost. Furthermore, a multi-objective constraint modification algorithm based on label-setting is proposed. Analysis of experiments with practical problems indicates that the proposed approach is capable of finding all Pareto optimal solutions and effectively resolves the constraint modification problem.
出处 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期512-517,共6页 Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica
基金 国家"863"计划(2007AA12Z229 2007AA120200) 国家自然科学基金(60604035)
关键词 卫星 成像调度 多目标 约束修正 时间序有向图 satellites imaging scheduling multi objective constraint modification time ordered directed graph
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