
基于WSN的煤矿井下人员定位系统防碰撞算法的研究 被引量:9

Research of Anti-collision Algorithm for Personnel Position System of Coal Mine Underground Based on WSN
摘要 文章根据煤矿井下人员定位跟踪系统的实际要求,对无线传感器网络非同步状态的多传感器节点在低功耗要求下的碰撞问题进行了实验研究,通过单片机编程分别对先听后发法、时间片调度法以及连续漏读筛选法进行了设计及实现。实验结果表明,连续漏读筛选法比较简单实用,能够在保证功耗的要求下很好地解决碰撞问题。 According to actual requirements of personnel position system of coal mine underground, the paper studied collision problem of multi-sensor nodes of asynchronous status of wireless sensor networks under low-power. It gave design and implementation of first listening later sending algorithm, time slice scheduling algorithm and consecutive misreading filter algorithm by single-chip microcomputer programming. The experiment result showed that the consecutive misreading filter algorithm was simple and practical, and could solve the collision problem efficiently under low-power.
出处 《工矿自动化》 2009年第1期9-12,共4页 Journal Of Mine Automation
关键词 煤矿井下 人员定位 无线传感器网络 防碰撞算法 连续漏读筛选法 低功耗 coal mine, personnel position, wireless sensor networks, anti-collision algorithm,consecutive misreading filter algorithm, low-power
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