
不同肌酐测定方法对MDRD方程在IgA肾病患者中适用性的评价 被引量:2

Effect of Different Creatinine Assayed Methods on the Validity in MDRD Equation
摘要 目的:探讨不同的肌酐测定方法对适用不同MDRD公式估算肾小球滤过率(GFR)的影响。方法:回顾性分析1987年以来的IgA肾病患者数据库资料,获得完整数据2204例。根据肌酐测定方法的不同,分为A、B两组,A组采用比色法测定血肌酐,B组采用酶法测定血肌酐,分别采用简化MDRD公式和2005年IDMS-肌酐重新表述的MDRD公式计算GFR。采用Bland-Altman分析两者之间的偏差,并进一步探讨偏差和肌酐值之间的相关性。结果:在A组,与简化的MDRD公式相比,将比色法测定肌酐带入2005年MDRD公式所得GFR存在低估,平均差异-5.1ml.min-1.1.73m-2(95%CI-9.9~-0.3);在B组,与2005年MDRD公式相比,将酶法测定结果带入简化MDRD公式后造成对GFR的高估,平均相差5.1ml.min-1.1.73m-2(95%CI01~10.6)。相关分析和趋势检验显示随着肌酐的增加偏差减小。结论:不同肌酐测定方法适用不同的MDRD公式将出现偏差,在临床工作中需要根据肌酐测定方法选择不同的MDRD公式。 Objective: To evaluate the effect of diffement creatinine assayed methods on the vaidity of GFR estimated equations in patients with IgA nephropathy. Methods: IgA database was analysed retrospectivdy, and 2 204 patients were selceted. The abbreviated Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) and isotopic dilution mass spectrometry(IDMS) MDRD equations were used to estimated GFR from serum creatinine levels. Bland-Altman blot was used to analysis the bias of different methods. The correlation between serum creatinine level and the difference of the two equation was analysed with Spearman correlation. Results: A- mong 2 204 patients with IgA nephropathy, 1319 were male and 885 were female. In group A, the mean defferenee between abbre- vated MDRD and IDMS MDRD equation was - 5.1(95 % CI-9.9 -- - 0.3) ml·min^-1·1.73 m^- 2 ; While the mean doifference between abbrevated MDRD and IDMS MDRD equation was 5.1(95 % CI 0.1--10. 6)ml·min^-1·1.73 m^-2. Correlation analysis and tendency test showed that the difference decline with the serum creatinine level increasing. Conclusion: Bias occurs when creatinine measured from different methods is applied into same MDRD equation,so creatinine assayed with different methods should apply to different MDRD equation.
出处 《中国中西医结合肾病杂志》 2009年第4期319-322,共4页 Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Nephrology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划("973"计划)基金资助项目(No.2007CB507400)
关键词 肌酐 测定 肾小球滤过率 Creatinine Measure Glomerular filtration rate(GFR)
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