
微型钛钢板固定及用带钩铝丝夹板在下颌骨骨折中的联合应用探讨 被引量:1

Discussion on the Effect of Fixation with Titanium Microplate Combined with Hook Aluminum Wire Splint on Mandibular Fracture
摘要 目的:探讨下颌骨骨折中微型钛钢板固定及用带钩铝丝夹板联合应用之优点.方法:对内蒙古民族大学附属医院72例下颌骨骨折病人采取下颌骨内微型钛钢板内固定及用带钩铝丝夹板联合应用.结果:骨折线对位对线及咬合关系良好,并损伤牙齿无脱落反而对外伤后松动的牙有固定的作用.结论:微型钛钢板固定及用带钩铝丝夹板联合应用可为病人有利于骨折愈合及骨折线上牙齿愈合,痛苦少,并节省费用. Objective:To study the advantages of fixation with titanium microplate combined with hook aluminum wire splint to treat mandibular fracture.Methods:72 cases of this disease were treated with this method.Results:All fractured mandibles showed good apposition and occluding relation.No loss of injured teeth happened and it is helpful to fixing the posttraumatic loose teeth. Conclusion:This therapy is conducive to the fracture healing and fixation of injured teeth and has the advantages of less distress and low expense.
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第2期210-211,共2页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Natural Sciences
关键词 微型钛钢板 下颌骨骨折 带钩铝丝夹板 咬合关系 Titanium microplate Mandibular fracture Hook aluminum wire splint Occluding relation
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