
辽宁地区过敏性支气管哮喘患者变应原分布特征 被引量:3

Distribution of allergens in allergic bronchial asthma patients living in Liaoning province
摘要 目的了解辽宁地区2003至2007年过敏性支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)患者变应原的种类、分布和反应强度。方法应用12种标准化变应原(Alutard)对2003至2007年我院变态反应免疫治疗中心的辽宁地区哮喘初诊患者进行变应原皮肤点刺试验(skin prick test,SPT)。结果5年哮喘患者SPT阳性率为25.24%(1817/7200)。每年SPT阳性率分别为16.52%(95/575)、18.07%(229/1267)、27.30%(519/1901)、28.87%(507/1756)和27.45%(467/1701)。SPT变应原阳性率分布前5位的依次为粉尘螨、屋尘螨、蒿草、豚草和动物毛变应原,其次为树木、蟑螂、霉菌、向日葵、蓓草和牧草。变应原SPT反应强度分布:+504例(11.25%)、++1895例(42.29%)、+++1665例(37.16%)、++++417例(9.31%),以++、+++等级为主。结论尘螨为辽宁地区过敏性哮喘的占绝对优势的变应原;蒿草、豚革花粉分别居第二位、第三位,亦为季节性哮喘伴鼻炎的主要变应原。SPT变应原反应强度以++和+++为主。 Objective To investigate the category and distributions of allergens with their response intensity in allergic bronchial asthma (asthma) patients linving in Liaoning province from 2003 to 2007. Methods Skin prick test(SPT) was performed with 12 types of standardized aeroallergens (Alutard) in patients with asthma. Results Total of 7 200 patients with asthma were tested by SPT. 1 817(25.24%) patients were positive SPT during the five years. The annual positive SPT was 16.52% (95/575), 18.07% (229/1 267),27.30%(519/1 901),28.87%(507/1 756),27.45%(467/1 701) respectively from 2003 to 2007. The first five allergens with SPT positive rate were Dermatophagoides farinae, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, mugwort, ragweed and the animal dander, followed by tree, fungi, cockroach, Humulus scandens,sunflower and pasture. The response intensity of the SPT allergens was found with +degree in 504 cases(11.25%),++in 1 895 cases (42.29%),+++ in 1 665 cases (37.16%),and ++++ in 417 cases (9.31%). The scales of allegen + + and +++ degree were predominant in number. Conclusions Dust mites are the first important allergens in patients with allergic asthma in Liaoning province, followed in turn by mugwort and ragweed. The latter two are the major allergens for the seasonal asthma with rhinitis. The response intensity of the SPT allergens is ++ and +++ in majority.
出处 《国际呼吸杂志》 2009年第7期389-391,共3页 International Journal of Respiration
基金 沈阳军区总医院科研基金资助(06Y-Z14)
关键词 过敏性哮喘 变应原 皮肤点刺试验 Allergic asthma Allergen Skin prick test
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