
可实测FRP-混凝土最大粘结滑移量的双拉试件 被引量:1

Double pull specimens for measuring the ultimate slip of FRP-concrete interface
摘要 探讨既有试件难以测出纤维复合材料(FRP)-混凝土最大粘结滑移量文的原因,进而提出一种可稳妥实测δu的概念双拉试件,并经实验研究、设计定型.结果表明,双拉试件的FRP-凝土界面局部范围内有较大滑移时,也不会发生界面整体剥离,从而克服了既有试件的缺点.其后又制作10个试件,探讨δu的确定方法和范围.结果显示,在本文实验条件下,实测乱为0.31~0.52mm左右. The difficulties of measuring the ultimate slip δu between fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) and concrete by using the existed specimens were investigated. A new concept named "double pull specimen" for measuring δu steadily is put forward. The new practical double pull specimens were developed by the experimental study. Test results show that the double pull specimens may subject to a relatively large local slip without entire FRP-to-concrete debonding. As a result, the shortcoming of the existed specimens was overcome. Based on this another 10 specimens were prepared. Methods for judging δu and the range of δu were investigated. Test results showed that δu was from 0.31 to 0.52 mm under the given experimental conditions.
出处 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期119-121,共3页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(5008283)
关键词 纤维复合材料 混凝土 本构关系 粘结-滑移 最大滑移量 双拉试件 fiber reinforced polymer concrete constitutive law bond-slip ultimate slip double pull specimen
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