Objective: To discuss the functional neck dissection preserving cervical plexus in the treatment of differentiatedlhyroid cancer. Methods: Twenty two cases of papillary thyroid cancer underwent functional neck dissection while preserving the cervical plexus. All of them had lymph node tumescence and the envelop of lymph were integrity, which were confirmed by CT and B ultrasonography. According to NCCN, the stage of lymph nodes were at N0-N14. Underwent functional neck dissection while preserving the cervical plexus,observing the function recovery of the cervical plexus. Results: All 22 cases were preserving the sternocleidomastoid,internal jugular vein,accessory nerve and the great auricular nerve. Among them, 17 cases preserving the lesser occipital nerve, 18 cases preserving the supraclavicular nerves, 14 cases preserving the transverse artery and vein of neck. After following up 6 months, all the preserved nerve can recovery its function, the uper limb moved easily and without recrudesence of tumor. All 22 cases are sensed well at ear area,and without anaesthesia on shoulder and lower cervix. Conclusions: The preserving cervical plexus functional neck dissection are worth to extend and application in therapy of differentiated thyroid cancer. It can reach to the aim of radical therapy as well as raise the living standard of patient.
Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
differentiated thyroid carcinoma
neck dissection
cervical plexus