OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of different drying methods on the content of two components in Fructus Gardeniae. METHODS Fructus Gardeniae was processed by six drying methods including oven drying under 100℃ , oven drying under 50℃, freeze - drying, oven drying after steaming, vaceum drying, microwave drying. The contents of geniposide and croein 1 were determined by RP - HPLC. RESULTS The content of two components in Fructus C, ardeniae processed by six drying methods was determined. CONCLUSION There is certain effect on geniposide and erocin 1 using different drying methods, it has better effects by oven drying under 50℃ , while the freeze - drying, vaccum drying, oven drying under 100℃ methods showed a common result. It is good for the conservation of geniposide by oven drying after steaming microwave drying.
West China Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences