2See “ Iraq: The Day After”, Report and Independent Task Force Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations of USA, at http://www, cfr. org/pdf/Iraq - DayAfter - TF. pdt2005 - 2 - 21 访问.
3Also See Mark Schoeff Jr, " Rebuilding Failed States" , Report : Establish Standing U. S. Capabilities for Post - Conflict Reconstruction, February 12, 2003. this report is available at http://www, csis. org/ press/pr03_08, htm2005 - 2 - 21 .
4See Stuart E. Eizenstat, John Edward Peter and Jeremy M. Weinstein, " Rebuilding Weak States" , Foreign Affairs, January/February, 2005, Volume 84, Numberl.
5See Hedley Bull, The Anarchical Society : A Study of Order in World Politics[ M ] ,2nd end. Macmillan, 1995. pp9 - 13.