The Plus Width Module (PWM) in microprocessors is commonly used in motor control field. If the ordinary PWM peripherals output PWM waveform, the software must calculate the period and duty cycle number based on the microprocessor’s system clock cycle first, and then write them into the registers. As all known, the microprocessor without hardware calculator consume very long time in multiplication and division. In order to reduce the CPU’s running time, a calculation hardware unit was designed to calculate the waveform parameters. The software only need to write the period (Hz units) to the period register and the duty cycle (% units)to its register. This hardware unit was designed with Verilog HDL and running in the Nios Ⅱ system successfully.
The Plus Width Module (PWM) in microprocessors is commonly used in motor control field. If the ordinary PWM peripherals output PWM waveform, the software must calculate the period and duty cycle number based on the micro- processor' s system clock cycle first, and then write them into the registers. As all known, the microprocessor without hardware calculator consume very long time in multiplication and division. In order to reduce the CPU' s running time, a calculation hardware unit was designed to calculate the waveform parameters. The software only need to write the period ( Hz units) to the period register and the duty cycle ( % units) to its register. This hardware unit was designed with Verilog HDL and running in the Nios Ⅱ system successfully.
Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Natural Science Edition)
supported by Chongqing(2008 AA6002)
ChongQing University Of Post & Telecommunication(A2006-45)