
抵御MIX重放攻击的混合结构消息报文机制 被引量:3

Hybrid-structured onion scheme against replay attack of MIX
摘要 对MIX的重放攻击进行研究,并提出一种抵御重放攻击的MIX混合结构消息报文机制。混合报文机制利用通用重加密的概率加密、语义安全特性抵御重放攻击,利用层级加密的认证特性实现消息的完整性保护,同时引入对称加密机制提高效率。分析表明,混合结构消息报文机制可以在保证安全性与效率的前提下有效抵御重放攻击。 Replay attack against MIX was studied and a hybrid-structured onion scheme of MIX against replay attack was proposed. In hybrid scheme, probabilistic encryption and semantic security of universal re-encryption were utilized to protect MIX against replay attack, and the authentication property of layered encryption was utilized to protect integrity of messages. Meanwhile, symmetric encryption was imported to improve efficiency. Analysis shows that the hybrid-structured onion scheme can resist replay attack with guarantee of security and efficiency.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期21-26,共6页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划("973"计划)基金资助项目(2007CB311100)~~
关键词 匿名通信 MIX 重加密 混合结构 anonymous communication MIX re-encryption hybrid-structured
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