
Ad hoc按需路由中路径压缩技术的稳定性组件 被引量:4

Stability module of path compression for on-demand ad hoc routing
摘要 通过建立动态路径压缩模型得出概率意义上实时动态化的路由稳定期,提出路径压缩技术的稳定性组件SMPC。SMPC分别采用基于GPS的SMPC-ES和基于压缩覆盖区的压缩请求策略的SMPC-MS降低短暂缩减和多次缩减的概率,有效抑制了路径压缩的盲目性,提高了路径稳定性。仿真表明,采用SMPC的路径压缩算法在与传统按需路由协议和路径压缩算法的性能比较中,具有低控制负载和端到端时延等特点,是一种通用和高效的移动adhoc网络路径压缩技术稳定性组件。 The dynamic, real-time stable compression period probabilistically based on dynamic path compression model was calculated. A stability module of path compression techniques (SMPC) was proposed which could restrain the blindness for path compression efficiently and improve the stability of routes, by using based on GPS and SMPC-MS based on the compression coverage to lessens the ephemeral short-cuts and multiple short-cuts. The simulation results show that the path compression techniques by SMPC achieve low control overhead and end-to-end delay compared with both AODV and PCA. It is a generic and efficient stability module of path compression techniques for on-demand ad hoc routing.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期104-111,共8页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60803001) 总装备部"十一五"重点项目基金资助(6420546)~~
关键词 AD HOC 路径压缩 按需路由 动态模型 ad hoc path compression on-demand routing dynamic model
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