
中国农地地权安全性研究——内涵与测量 被引量:9

Agricultural Land Tenure Security in China——Meaning and Measurements
摘要 与人们熟知的"土地稳定性"概念相比,"地权安全性"概念涵盖的内容更广泛,更能完整地表明地权权利所包括的内容。笔者采用因子分析法,在中国17个省份农村土地调查数据的基础上,对中国农村土地的地权安全性进行了实证分析,得出了中国农村土地地权安全性构成的四个重要因子,分别是:时间持续性、保障性、权利强度和土地调整;进一步研究发现,在这四个因子中,时间持续性因子和保障性因子相对较强,土地调整因子和权利强度因子则相对较弱。 Agricultural land tenure security remains a scarcely researched field of land sciences in China. And often, it is confused with the concept of 'land stability' by many scholars. The author believes that 'land stability' is only a subset of 'land tenure security'. Through the analysis of 17 province land survey of 2005, using the technique of factor analysis, 4 dimensions of tenure security are discovered, namely, duration, robustness, assurance and land adjustment factors. Each factor is made up of several sub-factors which are consolidated by using summated scales to create 4 factors of tenure security. Following this is a descriptive statistical analysis of the four factors using the survey sample, and it shows that farmers’ land tenure security scores high on the duration, assurance factors, low on robustness and land adjustment factors. This finding will provide an important direction for future policy formulation.
作者 武剑
出处 《中国农村观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期19-24,共6页 China Rural Survey
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