1John Alder & David Wilkinson,Envivonmental Law & Ethics,1999,Chapter 7,p.211.
2Andrew Jordan,Rüdiger Wurzel and Anthony R. Zito,"New"Instruments of Environmental Governance?National Experiences and Prospects, p.180.
3Reid,Environmental Law:Sifting Through The Rubbish(1998),JR p.238.
4Bell & McGiLLivray Environmental Law:the law and policy relating to the protection of the environment, Fifth Edition,(BlackStone,2000),Chapter 1, p. 10; Weale, A.et al.(2000), Environmental Governance in Europe, Oxford:Oxford University Press, p. 177, Jordan, A.(2002a)The Europeanization of British Environmental Policy, London: Palgrave, in Andrew Jordan, Rüdiger Wurzel and Anthony R.Zito,"New"Instruments of Environmental Governance?National Experiences and Prospects, p. 181.
5Bell & McGiLLivray, Environmental Law: the law and policy relating to the protection of the environment,Fifth Edition,(BlackStone,2000),Chapter 1,pp.10-11;Reid, Environmental Law:Sifting Through The Rubbish(1998), JR p.238.