

Review on the Base of Intra-product Specialization and TNC's Organizational Patterns Choice
摘要 产品内分工的经济合理性依据及利益源泉,一是比较优势,二是规模经济。比较优势和规模经济可以解释广品内国际分工下的国别结构和分工强度,但却不足以解释其微观生产组织模式的选择问题。学者们多应用交易费用理论、契约理论和委托代理理论等来分析跨国公司复杂一体化战略以及一体化和外包的选择战略。产品内国际分工理论将研究对象深入到产品内部,突破和完善了贸易理论,具有很强的现实解释力。 Intra-product specialization theory is based on two major factors: comparative advantages and scale economy. The country patterns and intensity of division of labor are decided by these two factors. By using transaction cost theory, contractual theory and principal-agent theory, researchers analyze TNCs' complex integration strategies and its choice between integration and outsourcing. Intra-product specialization theory research into the intra-product layer and explains present economic phenomenon well. It makes breakthrough and improvement in trade theory.
作者 张海霞 孙旭
出处 《财贸研究》 CSSCI 2009年第2期65-70,共6页 Finance and Trade Research
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“产品内分工、全球生产网路与外贸增长方式转变对策研究”(项目编号:07CJL022).
关键词 产品内国际分工 一体化 外包 微观生产组织模式 intra-product specialization integration strategy outsourcing microcosmic organizational pattern
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