
硅基复合材料烧蚀特性试验研究 被引量:4

Ablation Properties of Silicon Based Composites
摘要 在电弧加热试验条件下,通过一定范围内压力和焓值的匹配,进行不同热流密度下的硅基复合材料驻点烧蚀试验,获得该防热材料的质量烧蚀率和有效烧蚀焓,并利用回归分析得出该防热材料质量烧蚀率与冷壁热流和驻点压力的试验关系式:m.t=0.07232qs,cw0.08784ps0.1206;有效烧蚀焓与气流总焓、驻点压力和热壁焓的两个试验关系式,即Heff=2.0042H00.7753ps-0.08和Heff=1.0024(H0-Hhw)+6.1229。 The paper introduces the ablation experiments of silicon based composites by using an arc beater. The ablation experiments of cylindrical models were carried out on different heat flux, enthalpy as well as pressure conditions. We obtained the value of mass loss rate of the material and calculated a formula: mt = 0. 07232qs,ew^0.08784 Ps^0.1206 , we also obtained the values of the effective heat of ablation and calculated two empirical formulas: Heff =2. 0042H0^0. 7753Ps^-0.08and Heff = 1. 0024 (H0 -Hhw ) + 6. 1229 by regression.
出处 《宇航材料工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期85-87,90,共4页 Aerospace Materials & Technology
关键词 有效烧蚀焓 电弧加热器 回归分析 Effective heat of ablation, Arc heater, Regression
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