
伊拉克战争后美国的教育国际交流新趋势 被引量:1

The New Trend of America's Educational Exchange after the Iraq War
摘要 伊拉克战争后,布什总统亲自发出"国家安全语言倡议"和"美国竞争力倡议",美国国务院、国防部、国土安全局、教育部、情报局、美国国际开发署、广播理事会等相关机构迅速就教育国际交流形成有效整合,政、商、学各界互相呼应,教育交流在美国对外关系中的地位得到大幅提升,并上升到国家安全战略层次。 After the Iraq War, President Bush issued the National Security Language Initiative and American Competitiveness Initiative, The U. S. Department of State, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Education, Central Intelligence Agency, The U.S. Agency for International Development and Broadcasting Board of Governors have effectively integrated in developing educational exchange. The government, business and academic communities have echoed each other, and educational exchange has dramatically developed in the U. S. foreign relations, and reached to the national security level.
作者 黄仁国
出处 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2009年第3期124-128,共5页 Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 2008年湖南省高等学校科学研究项目优秀青年项目"冷战后美中教育交流中的霸权倾向研究"(08B022)
关键词 教育交流 国家安全语言倡议 美国竞争力倡议 国家安全 educational exchange National Security Language Initiative American Competitiveness Initia-tive national security
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