
紫杉醇每周方案治疗转移性乳腺癌临床研究进展 被引量:7

Clinical research advances in weekly paclitaxel administration for metastatic breast cancer
摘要 紫杉醇对多种癌症都有很好的抗癌活性,特别是对转移性乳腺癌有较高的疗效。目前,临床常用的紫杉醇给药方案为标准的三周方案(175 mg.m-2.3wk-1)。近年来,大量的临床试验投入到对紫杉醇每周给药方案的考察中,评估每周方案的疗效及耐受性。研究表明,紫杉醇每周方案治疗转移性乳腺癌的效果不低于三周方案,毒副反应耐受良好,并且能够改善效益-风险比率,是治疗转移性乳腺癌的有效方案。 Paclitaxel has significant clinical activity in many cancers,especially metastatic breast cancer.Currently,the commonly used dose schedule for paclitaxel is standard every-3-week administration(175 mg·m-2 for paclitaxel as a 3-hour i.v.infusion every 3 weeks).For the past few years,a number of clinical trials have evaluated the tolerability and efficacy of weekly paclitaxel administration.Studies indicate that weekly infusion of paclitaxel for an 1 h infusion was not less active than every-3-week administration,and generally well tolerated in patients with metastatic breast cancer.This schedule could also improve the benefit-to-risk ratio.Weekly paclitaxel is a feasible,safe,and active therapy for metastatic breast cancer.
出处 《安徽医药》 CAS 2009年第4期358-360,共3页 Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal
关键词 紫杉醇 乳腺癌 化学治疗 paclitaxel breast cancer chemotherapy
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