
鼻内滴入舒芬太尼减少依托咪酯所致肌阵挛 被引量:6

Intranasal instillation of sufentanil reduces myoclonus induced by etomidate
摘要 目的研究鼻内滴入舒芬太尼预处理对依托咪酯引发肌阵挛的效果。方法选择ASAI或Ⅱ级,年龄32-70岁,体重50-85 kg,无神经肌肉传导功能障碍疾病的择期手术患者80例,随机分为A、B两组,A组:鼻腔内滴入舒芬太尼0.2μg.kg^-1,舒芬太尼用生理盐水稀释至1 ml;B组:鼻内滴入等量的生理盐水,两组均在滴鼻2 min后静脉注射依托咪酯0.3 mg.kg^-1,记录滴鼻前即刻(T0)、滴鼻结束后1 min(T1)、2 min(T2)的MBP、HR、SPO2和RR,观察有无肌阵挛的发生,记录肌阵挛程度并评分。结果与B组相比,A组依托咪酯引发肌阵挛程度降低(P〈0.01),各组同一时点的MBP、HR、SPO2、RR差异无统计学意义。结论鼻内滴入舒芬太尼0.2μg.kg^-1能显著降低依托咪酯引发的肌阵挛,对呼吸系统和循环系统无明显影响。 Aim To investigate the effects of intranasal sufentanil reducing myoclonus induced by etomidate.Methods Eighty ASA class I or Ⅱ patients aged 32 to 70 years weighing 50 to 85 kg without neuromuscular dysorders who were undergoing elective surgery were randomly divided into two groups:Group A received intranasal instillation of sufentanil 0.2 μg·kg-1,which was diluted to 1 ml.Group B received intranasal instillation of normal saline l ml,After 2 min,two groups were injected etomidate 0.3 mg·kg-1.MBP,HR,SPO2 and RR were recorded before intranasal instillation of sufentanil(T0),at 1 min(T1) and 2 min(T2)after intranasal instillation of sufentanil.Myoclonus was observed and graded.Results The incidence of myoclonus was significantly lower in group A than that in group B(P〈0.01).There was no significant difference in MBP,HR,SPO2 and RR at all time points between group A and group B.Conclusion Intranasal instill ation of sufentanil 0.2 μg·kg-1 can reduce myoclonus induced by etomidate.
出处 《安徽医药》 CAS 2009年第4期427-428,共2页 Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal
关键词 舒芬太尼 依托咪酯 肌阵挛 sufentanil etomidate myoclonus
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