
电渗泵的研究进展 被引量:2

Review on Electroosmotic Pumps
摘要 概述了电渗泵驱动的基本原理。根据电渗泵微通道的结构特征,将其分为多孔介质电渗泵和开放通道电渗泵两类,并阐述了两类电渗泵的研究进展和各种结构电渗泵性能的优缺点,分析了驱动电压、温度、通道结构尺寸和电解液特性等关键因素对电渗泵电渗流性能的影响。概括了目前电渗泵研制中存在的主要问题:高压高流量的电渗泵所需驱动电压很高;电渗泵工作过程中产生大量焦耳热,导致热力效率低于6%;各种电渗泵的结构、微加工工艺与电渗流性能匹配不好。这些问题阻碍了电渗泵的实用化,是未来研究工作的重点。 The electroosmotic principle is described shortly. The electroosmotic micropumps are classified into porous medium electroosmotic pumps and open channel electroosmotie pumps according to the structures of micro channels. Recent research progresses of eleetroosmotic micropumps are reviewed. The advantages and shortages of different electroosmotie micropumps are discussed. The key factors effecting on the EOF performances are analyzed, such as the actuation voltage, temperature, dimensions of micro channels, characteristics of electrolyte solution, etc. The main problems in the electroosmotic pumps design are summarized as follows: the electroosmotic pumps with high pressure and high flow rate need very high actuation voltage; the maximum thermodynamic efficiency of the electroosmotic pump is below 6% as a good deal of joule heat is produced fellowing with the working process; the structure, micromachining process and EOF performances of different elecroosmotic pumps are not compatible with each other well. All above problems which hinder the practical applications of electroosmotic pums are research and development focus in the near future.
出处 《微纳电子技术》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第4期236-243,共8页 Micronanoelectronic Technology
基金 四川省教育厅重点项目(07Zd1101)
关键词 微电子机械系统 微流体 电渗泵 多孔介质 开放通道 MEMS micro fluidics electro-osmotic pump porous medium open channel
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