
Stability of Neutral Stochastic Differential Equations with Multiple Variable Delays

Stability of Neutral Stochastic Differential Equations with Multiple Variable Delays
摘要 This paper discusses the pth moment stability of neutral stochastic differential equations with multiple variable delays. The equation has a much more general form than the neutral stochastic differential equations with delay. A new kind of φ-function is introduced to address the stability, which is more general than the exponential stability and polynomial stability. Using a specific Lyapunov function, a stability criteria for the neutral stochastic differential equations with multiple variable delays is established, by which it is relatively easy to verify the stability of such equations. Finally, the proposed theories are illustrated by two examples. This paper discusses the pth moment stability of neutral stochastic differential equations with multiple variable delays. The equation has a much more general form than the neutral stochastic differential equations with delay. A new kind of φ-function is introduced to address the stability, which is more general than the exponential stability and polynomial stability. Using a specific Lyapunov function, a stability criteria for the neutral stochastic differential equations with multiple variable delays is established, by which it is relatively easy to verify the stability of such equations. Finally, the proposed theories are illustrated by two examples.
出处 《Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(English Edition)》 2009年第2期162-168,共7页 西南交通大学学报(英文版)
基金 The National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.10671078)
关键词 Moment stability Neutral stochastic functional differential equation Lyapuonv function Ito formula Moment stability Neutral stochastic functional differential equation Lyapuonv function Ito formula
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