
地震灾区学校心理援助体系构建研究 被引量:6

On Constructing School Psychological Assistance System in Quake-Stricken Areas
摘要 学校是5·12汶川大地震灾难中的重灾区,地震给灾区师生造成了巨大的心理创伤。因此,在学校构建统一领导、反应迅速、组织有序、运转高效的心理援助体系,以最大限度地减少灾难给师生造成的心理创伤,对促进学生健康成长有着重要的意义。学校心理援助体系根据灾难发生后对学生进行心理援助的任务及阶段特点,在学校教育和学校管理基础上建立。构建该体系应遵循生命第一、客观实际、系统性、可持续性等原则;其基本构架包括心理援助组织系统、预警系统、应急系统和维护系统。 Schools were the most severely damaged areas in the 5 · 12 Great Wenchuan Earthquake, and terrible psychological hurt could be found in both teachers and students there. It is of great significance to construct a school psychological assistance system (SPAS) which features unified leadership, quick response, orderly organization, and high efficiency so as to minimize the hurt and promote the healthy development of students. The SPAS is built on school education and administration, according to the characteristics of the tasks and phrases of students' after-disaster psychological assistance. Principles of life first, objectiveness, systematicality, and sustainability should be observed in the course of its establishment. And a fundamental SPAS framework includes organization system, warning system, emergency system, and maintenance system.
作者 陈华
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第2期15-19,124,共6页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
基金 四川省哲学社会科学研究规划项目(sc08w08)
关键词 学校心理援助体系 5·12汶川大地震 灾区学校 危机事件 心理创伤 心理干预 心理援助 school psychological assistance system (SPAS) the 5 · 12 Great Wenchuan Earthquake schools in disaster area crisis event psychological hurt psychological intervention psychologicalassistance
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