细煤泥回收是水采矿井生产中不可缺少的一个重要环节 ,目前处理系统环节多、投资大、运行费用高。本文简要介绍了在实验室模拟井下刮板脱水筛工作情况 ,采用床层过滤方式回收细煤泥 ,并对床层过滤机理、过滤参数间关系进行了探索研究。
Recovery of fine coal is an indespensary link of hydro- mining process.The treatment systems currently used suf- fer from the drawbacks of being complicated,and high in initial and operating costs.A brief description is given in the paper of the experimental study of the mechanism of bed fil- tration system and inter-relation of filtering parameters in- volved for reclaiming fine coal with the use of a laboratory system to simulate an underground dewatering scraper con- veyor.
Hydraulic Coal Mining & Pipeline Transportation