对 PG型加压过滤机过滤轴及分配阀的结构进行了分析 ,并对其几个主要参数进行确定及结构设计。结论指出 :新型、高效、低耗、使滤饼产品达到低水分的 GPJ型加压过滤机及高效的真空过滤机是取代旧型真空过滤机的先进设备。
Analysis is made of the filter axle and structure of the distribution valve of the PG pressure filter.Through deter- mination of the main parameters involved and analysis of structural design,it is concluded that the novel and high- efficiency PG pressure filter featuring low energy consump- tion and lower cake moisture is an advanced equipmentsuit- able for use in replacement of outdated vaccum filters.
Hydraulic Coal Mining & Pipeline Transportation