

Design of Interaction Models for Parallel File System Based on Agent Technology
摘要 针对文件系统中数据访问效率较低的问题,利用Agent具有自主能力和预动能力的特性,提出了一种多Agent并行文件系统(MAPFS)的交互模型构建方法。将知识查询及操作语言(KQML)作为Agent的通信语言,通过定义Agent的元组结构,使用KQML原语描述了多Agent之间的交互。利用MPI技术动态地创建具有通信能力的独立自治进程来解决通信问题,同时使用接收Agent对消息的处理来解决语义问题,实现了MAPFS中的高速缓存Agent。实验结果表明Agent子系统的使用对于提高文件系统的效率是相当有效的。 Due to the problem of the low efficiency in data access of file system, some features such as autonomy and proactivity are made use of to propose a design of a interaction model of MAPFS ( Multi-agent Parallel File System). The interaction among multiple agents is described using KQML (Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language) primitives. MPI teehnology is used to create dynamically an independent and autonomous process with communication capacities and the semantic issues are solved by the processing of messages by the reeeiver agent. A sample agent of MAPFS has been evaluated and test results show that MAPFS system ean improve its efficiency in a flexible way by means of the usage of those multi-agent subsystems.
出处 《无线电工程》 2009年第4期7-10,共4页 Radio Engineering
关键词 AGENT 多AGENT系统 并行文件系统 MPI技术 Agent multi-agent system parallel file system MPI technology.
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