

Traffic control method of connection zone between freeway and surface road
摘要 快速路与地面道路连接区域是城市交通问题最为严重的区域之一,传统的交叉口信号控制与入口匝道控制是相互独立的,本文在分析连接区域交通问题产生原因的基础上,综合考虑快速路和地面道路的交通状况,提出了交叉口与入口匝道信号控制思想。这种控制方法能有效地避免出入口匝道产生超长车辆排队的现象,防止连接区域交通拥堵的发生。 Connection zone between freeway and surface road is one of the most serious problems for urban transportation. Traditional intersection signal timing and ramp metering are independent with each other. After analyzing the causes of traffic problem, a control idea for connection zone is put forward, which takes the traffic conditions of beth freeway and surface road into account. The control method proposed can effectively avoid the occurrence of traffic congestion of connection zone.
作者 郑建湖 陈洪
出处 《河北工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第1期55-57,62,共4页 Journal of Hebei University of Engineering:Natural Science Edition
基金 福建省青年人才项目资助(2007F3078)
关键词 交通控制 匝道控制 交叉口信号控制 快速路 地面道路 tragic control ramp metering signal timing freeway surface road
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