
略论二战后美国女子高等教育的发展 被引量:1

A Study on the Development of Women's Higher Education in the U.S. after World War Ⅱ
摘要 第二次世界大战后,美国女子高等教育在数量上保持蓬勃发展的势头,但其特征和轨迹相比二战前发生了深刻的变化。随着男女同校教育制在美国高等教育领域的普遍实施,曾经作为女子高等教育领头羊的美国女子学院出现了数量和规模上的大幅缩减。女性接受大学本科教育的逐步普及,使女性研究生教育和学术地位问题成为高等教育的一个重要议题。此外,女性继续教育的理念也在这一时期推出并发展成熟。 After World War II, women's higher education in the U.S. maintained its soaring in quantity, but its features and course have experienced some fundamental changes compared with those of pre - WWII. With the popularity of coeducation in higher education, women's colleges, which once were playing the leading role, began to shrink in both quantity and scale. The gradual popularity of undergraduate education in women made post- graduate education among women and their academic position in higher education an important issue. In addition, women's further education conception has been put forward and promoted in the same age.
作者 高惠蓉
出处 《大学教育科学》 CSSCI 2009年第2期81-84,共4页 University Education Science
关键词 美国 女子教育 教育平等 高等教育 继续教育 the U. S. women' s education educational equality higher education further education
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