
主要发达国家林业有关碳源汇及其计量方法与参数 被引量:29

Carbon Removals/Sources of Forests and Forest Conversion and Applied Carbon Accounting Methods and Parameters in Major Developed Countries
摘要 本文收集了主要附件I国家缔约方2008年最新更新并向《联合国气候变化公约》递补交的1990—2006年国家温室气体排放清单数据,对林业(包括森林及其与其它地类之间的转化)碳计量采用的方法、参数和碳源汇计量结果进行了系统的对比分析。结果表明,主要发达国家均采用了IPCC较高层次的碳源汇计量方法,并采用了大量本国的参数。主要发达国家林业表现为净碳吸收汇,且呈增加趋势;林业碳汇在国家温室气体源排放总量中所占的比例也呈不同程度的增加趋势,而我国则呈相反趋势。我国林业碳计量与主要发达国家还有较大差距,迫切需要充分借鉴发达国家的经验,加强林业碳计量方法体系的研究和开发,收集完善相关参数,完善我国森林资源清查体系,提高我国当前和未来履约的能力。 Data from updated 1990--2006 national greenhouse gas inventory submitted by Annex I parties in 2008 were collected, based on which the net carbon removals by sinks or emissions by sources for forest land and forest conversion (forestry related category ) as well as their carbon accounting methods and parameters applied were analysed in this paper. In accordance with request of Conference of Parties, all Annex I Parties accounted, updated and reported their net carbon removals by sinks or emissions by sources for forest land and forest conversion based on IPCC good practice guidance for land use, land use change and forestry. IPCC higher tier methods and country- specific parameters have been widely applied in most of developed countries. The forestry-related category in major developed countries was a net carbon removal and presented a increasing trend from 1990 to 2006. The percentage of the net removals in national greenhouse gas emissions by sources in most of developed countries has been increasing, to a various extent, while China is subjected to a contrary trend. Carbon accounting methods currently applied in China' s forestry-related category has a large gap compared to major developed countries. This paper recommended China to strength studies and development of its own carbon accounting systems on the basis of experiences gained by developed countries, and to develop China-specific parameters, so as to enhance China' s capacity in the compliance of international climate change agreements. At the same time, China shall continue to increase forest area and effectively improve forest management, aiming at increaseing carbon removals of the forestryrelated category.
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期285-293,共9页 Forest Research
基金 基金项目:国家十一五科技支撑项目专题“林业生态工程造林再造林固碳技术与碳计量方法研究” UNDP/GEF“中国准备第二次国家信息通报能力建设项目--土地利用变化与林业温室气体清单编制”
关键词 发达国家 林业 碳源汇 碳计量方法 参数 developed countries forestry carbon removals/emissions carbon accounting method parameters
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