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4Jill T, Lighting the Path for Future Nurses: Several innovative options for recruiting, and keeping, nurses [J]. American Journal of Nursing,2003,103(4) :97-99.
5Lopez-Bushnell K. Get research-ready[J]. Nursing Management (Springhouse), 2002, 33(11) : 41-44.
7Owens D, Turjanica M, Scanion M. New Graduate RN Internship Program: A Collaborative Approach For System-wide Integration [J]. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 2001, 17(3): 144-150.
8Boyer S. Vermont nurse internship project: A Collaborative Enterprise Developed by Nurse Leaders from Education, Practice, and Regulation [J]. Nursing Education Perspective, 2002, 23(2): 81-85.
9Jill T, Lighting the Path for Future Nurses: Several innovative options for recruiting, and keeping, nurses [J]. American Journal of Nursing,2003,103(4):97-99.
10Lopez-Bushnell K. Get research-ready[J]. Nursing Management (Springhouse), 2002, 33(11):41-44.