
中国特色的宪法实施监督模式研究 被引量:4

Study on the Constitutional Implementation of Surveillance Patterns with Chinese characteristics
摘要 宪法实施监督制度是保证宪法正确实施并对违反宪法的行为进行监督的制度。它是维护宪法权威和尊严的一项重要制度,是现代民主政治的重要组成部分。综观当今世界各国宪法,依据宪法实施监督主体来划分,宪法实施监督的模式主要有五种类型:一是以英国为代表的议会型宪法监督模式;二是以美国为代表的普通法院型宪法实施监督模式;三是以德国为代表的宪法法院型宪法实施监督模式;四是以法国为代表的宪法委员会型宪法实施监督模式;五是以中国为代表的最高权力机关型宪法实施监督模式。五种宪法监督模式在世界范围内并存,从理论和实践上看,它们各有利弊。中国特色的宪法实施监督模式是根据人民主权原则,由全国人民代表大会及其常委会行使国家最高权力,根据分权制约监督原则,应当在全国人大下设立法院、国务院、最高法院、最高检察院,分别行使立法、行政、审判和检察权的宪法实施监督体制。这种模式的优点主要是:(1)从根本上克服了人大或其常委会本身既立法,又审查自己所立之法是否合宪的不足;(2)有利于人大从繁重的立法任务中解脱出来,把主要的精力用在最高决策权的行使和宪法实施监督上;(3)立法院制订出的法律案由全国人大或其常委会对其进行合宪性审查后,做出批准决定,由国家主席公布实施,这样既符合人民代表大会的民主集中制原则,又兼有"两院制"立法的优点;(4)可以解决目前宪法解释和法律解释一个主体造成的效力判断标准难问题;(5)能够保证国家的法制统一。 The system of constitutional implementation of surveillance is a system that guarantees the correct implementation of the constitution and supervises behaviors violating the constitution. It is an important system that maintains the authority and dignity of the constitution and is an important constituent of the modern democratic politics. Based on the implementation surveillance body, the pattern of implementation surveillance of the constitution in the world can be divided into five: 1, Parliament surveillance pattern, represented by the GB; 2, Ordinary court surveillance pattern, represented by the USA; 3, Constitutional court surveillance pattern represented by Germany; 4, Constitution committee surveillance pattern, represented by France; 5, The highest organ of state surveillance pattern, represented by China. The five kinds of constitution surveillance pattern coexists in the worldwide, studying from theory and the practice, they have the advantages and disadvantages respectively. According to the people's sovereignty principle, the constitution implementation surveillance pattern with Chinese characteristics is that the highest power is exercised by the National People's Congress and its standing committee. According to decentralization principle, under National People's Congress, we must set up Legislature, the State Council, the Supreme Court, the Highest Procuratorate, exercising the legislative, the administrative, the trial and the examination power separately. This pattern has following merits: (1) Overcoming the shortcoming of the National People's Congress and its standing committee that they both legislate, and examine themselves; (2) Setting the National People's Ccngress free from arduous legislation duty, putting the main energy into highest decision-making and the constitution implementation surveillance; (3) The Legislature enacts laws, and the National People's Congress or its standing committee examines and ratifies them, the President promulgates them; this practice is in accordance with the democratic centralism principle, and at the same time has the merit of" bicameral system"; (4) This practice can solve the present problem of different standards of force judgment of constitutional explanation and the law explanation; (5) It can guarantee the legal system unification.
作者 黄建水
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期30-37,共8页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
基金 河南省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目(2006-ZX-116) 华北水利水电学院高层次人才科研启动基金资助项目
关键词 中国特色 宪法实施 监督模式 立法院 Chinese characteristics constitutional implementation surveillance patterns legislature
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