
科学知识生产和传播的经济学分析——国外科学知识经济学述评 被引量:1

Economic Analysis on Production and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge
摘要 科学知识经济学把科学知识作为经济分析的对象,以"科学基本上是社会的"这个命题作为出发点,明确以经济学术语描述科学知识的生产和传播,把来自新制度主义经济学、非合作博弈论、信息理论等领域的概念付诸应用。它对科学知识的生产和传播机制的阐述在理论上有助于应对科学相对主义的威胁,在实践上对制定科学政策有重要的启发意义。 Economics of Scientific Knowledge takes scientific knowledge as object of ecomomic analysis, it begins from the proposition that science is fundamentally social, and explicitly characterizes the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge in economic terms; it applies concepts from contemporary economic theory like noncooperative game theory, information theory, and the New Institutionalist economics; The elaboration to the mechanism of scientific knowledge production and dissemination in economics of scientific knowledge is being helpful to weaken the threat of scientific relativism, and has important inspiration significance to formulate the scientific policy.
作者 杨玉成
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期87-91,共5页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 科学相对主义 科学知识经济学 科学知识生产和传播的机制 scientific relativism Economics of Scientific Knowledge the mechanism of scientific knowledge production and dissemination
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