
壬基酚对家蚕(Bombyx mori)生长发育的影响 被引量:5

Effects of Nonylphenol on the Development of Silkworm, Bombyx mori
摘要 采用添加环境激素壬基酚(Nonylphenol,NP)人工饲料饲养家蚕(Bombyx mori)的试验方法,观察了家蚕的生长速度、生长量、变态、生命力情况。结果表明,连续取食0.500mmol·L-1以上浓度壬基酚的饲料,家蚕幼虫和蛹的生长速度、生长量、发育整齐度、生命力等都明显下降,在发育后期和蜕皮、化蛹、羽化等变态时期更加明显。同时,NP在蚕体内可能有累积作用。2.000mmol·L-1浓度的NP能使家蚕幼虫很快死亡。NP对家蚕生长发育的影响有明显的性别差异,导致家蚕的雌雄大小开差缩小,并且具有显著的浓度效应和时间效应,是环境激素效应的典型表现。 Environmental hormone, a kind of synthetic chemical substances, exist extensively in nature, and show estrogenic effects on many kinds of animals. Nonylphenol ( NP ) is one of the newly-defined environmental hormones. The aim of this study was to evaluate the estrogen effects of NP on silkworm (Bombyx mori). Silkworms were placed in eulture boxes feeding with NP-added (0.125,0.250,0.500,1.000 and 2.000 mmol·L^-1) artificial feedstuffs in a culture eontainer kept at constant temperature and humidity in each instar, in which each treatment involved three boxes and each boxes received 50 silkworms. The development velocity, weight growth index, metamorphism and vitality index in different instars and pupas were investigated. The results indicated that, with treatment increasing, at 0.500 mmol·L^-1 NP or higher, development veloeity, weight growth, metamorphism and vitality of larva and pupa were decreased significantly, especially at late development stages of anaphase, eedysis, pupation and eclosion. However, there was no obviously difference between 0.125mmol·L^-1 NP and normal treatment. In addition, NP might have aeeumulative effects on silkworm. At 2.000 mmol·L^-1, NP resulted in larval mortality quickly. NP also demonstrated sexual difference in silkworm development as shown by reduced errand between male and female individuals after exposure. The present study suggested that NP had distinctive concentration and time effects on silkworm, commonly found in environmental hormones.
出处 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期777-782,共6页 Journal of Agro-Environment Science
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划"973项目"(2005CB121005) 苏州大学科研基金(Q3113403 Q3138539)
关键词 环境激素 壬基酚 家蚕 生长发育 environmental hormone Nonylphenol( NP ) Bombyx mori development
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