

Effects of Phytase Addition in Diets on Phosphorus Forms in Chicken Manure
摘要 由于植物性饲料中大部分磷不能被动物吸收利用,生产上往往添加一定无机磷,容易造成禽畜粪中的磷累积,提高环境磷污染风险。为保证种鸡日粮磷需求前提下降低鸡粪磷排放量,设计0、300、500IU植酸酶用量与0.4%、0.3%、0.2%有效磷含量的不同组合日粮进行种鸡饲养试验,研究了不同日粮对鸡粪磷形态的影响。结果显示,添加植酸酶对鸡粪中总磷、有机磷和无机磷含量影响未达显著水平,但显著降低鸡粪植酸磷含量。鸡粪总磷、植酸磷、有机磷和无机磷含量则随日粮有效磷含量增加而显著提高。其中,以0.2%有效磷日粮处理鸡粪总磷、有机磷和无机磷含量最低,0.2%有效磷+500IU植酸酶日粮处理鸡粪植酸磷含量最低。因此,在生产上降低有效磷含量的同时添加适量植酸酶可以降低鸡粪磷盈余。 Since most of P in the animal diet can not be efficiently utilized by animals, high level of P remained in the animal manures is often inevitable, leading to increase the risk potential of P pollution. In order to reduce the residual P in chicken manure while ensuring P demand for normal growth of breeding hen, a experiment was conducted to investigate contents and forms of P in the chicken manure as affected by three levels of phytase( 0, 300 and 500 IU )and three levels of available P( 0.4%, 0.3%, 0.2% )in the diet. Results showed that adding phytase did not significantly affect the contents of total P, organic P or inorganic P in the chicken manure, but it did for contents of the phytate P. The phytate P contents significantly decreased with an increase in the phytase rate. The contents of total P, phytate P, organic P and inorganic P in the manure were increased significantly by the increased rate of available P in the diet. The contents of total P, organic P and inorganic P in the manure were the lowest from the diet amended with 0.2% available P, and the diet with 0.2% available P + 500IU phytase generated the lowest phytate P contents. The results indicatect that reducing the excessive P excreted to manure by adjusting the rates of phytase and avail- able P in the diet was practicable in the intensive animal production.
出处 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期845-848,共4页 Journal of Agro-Environment Science
基金 广东省科技攻关项目(2006B20601010) 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(3-26)
关键词 植酸酶 鸡粪 总磷 磷形态 phytase chicken manure total phosphorus phosphorus species
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