
漆酶/木聚糖酶体系对OCC浆料改性的研究 被引量:2

Modification of Old Corrugated Container Pulp with Laccace/Xylanase System
摘要 用漆酶/木聚糖酶体系(LXS)对OCC浆料进行改性,以改善浆料强度;并探讨了酶改性后浆料强度与酶改性产生的自由基之间的关系,以及浆料强度提高的原因。结果表明:LXS对OCC浆料改性,能明显提高浆料强度。当酶用量10 IU/g时,与对照浆相比,抗张指数、环压指数和湿抗张指数分别提高了37.1%、23.2%和50.4%,其中湿抗张指数的提高更为显著。采用LXS改性时,产生的自由基浓度与纸浆强度成正比关系,即自由基浓度越大,纸浆强度越高。通过对LXS改性对纸浆自由基浓度、纤维结晶度、接触角和红外光谱影响的研究,从理论上解释了漆酶改性能提高浆料强度的原因。 In this study the old corrugated container pulp was treated with laccace/xylanase system(LXS) to improve the strength of the pulp.The relation between the strength of enzyme modified pulp and the free radicals created from enzyme treatment as well as the reasons of the increase in pulp strength caused by enzyme modification were investigated.The results indicated that the strength of the pulp was obviously improved by LXS modification.Compared with control pulp,the tensile strength,ring crush strength and wet tensile strength was increased by 37.1%,23.2% and 50.4% respectively at enzyme usage of 10 IU/g.The wet tensile strength was remarkably increased.It was found that the consistency of free radicals of the modified pulp was directly proportional to the pulp strength,namely the higher the consistency of free radicals,the higher the pulp strength.Based on the study of the effects of Laccase/Xylanase system treatment on consistency of free radicals,fiber crystallinity,contact angle and IR spectrum,the reasons of the increase of pulp strength by LXS modification were explained.
出处 《中国造纸学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期31-34,共4页 Transactions of China Pulp and Paper
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30671654)
关键词 漆酶/木聚糖酶体系(LXS) 抗张强度 环压强度 自由基 接触角 laccase/xylanase system tensile strength ring crush strength free radicals contact angle
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